This unique Parsha podcast is filled with machshava, deep philosophical Jewish thought, based on traditional sources, from the ancient to the recent. All of the ideas are rooted in Torah tradition, filled with a spiritual message that is potent and poignant for the times.

The current week's Parsha Podcast will be available for a limited time each week in document form for download here:
Korach - Understanding the female aspect (.doc file)



Vayeshev - Shimon and Yosef (NEW!)
Vayishlach - Yakov, Rochel and Binyomin (NEW!)
Vayetzei - Catalyst for Good
Toldos - Beginnings and Ends
Chayei Sarah - Passing the mantle
Vayera - Times of transition
Lech Lecha - Beauty and spirituality
Noach - The flood and the dispersion
Bereshis - The snake and the Satan
Succos - Beyond relationship
Yom Kippur - Bribing the Satan



Haazinu/Rosh Hashana - Bearing witness
Nitzavim-Vayelech - Hashem is close
Ki Savo - Choosing Hashem
Ki Seitsei - Rejoicing in marriage
Shoftim - Trusting the sages
Re'eh - Understanding idolatry
Ekev - Two types of relationship
Vaeschanan - Hashem and Israel's love
Devarim - Tisha B'av and the spies
Matos-Masei - The Midyan war
Pinchas - The Pinchas-Eliyahu connection
Balak - Mystery of Bilam
Chukas - The death of Miriam
Korach - Understanding the female aspect
Shelach - Transcendent Jewish Unity
Behaaloscha - Revealing hidden light
Nasso - Responsibly leading
Shavuos - Torah through the night
Bimidbar - Intensifying relationships
Behar-Bechukosai - Connection through disconnection
Emor - Conduit of Blessings
Acharei-Kedoshim - Understanding true holiness
Tazria-Metzora - Seven and Unity
Shemini - True leadership
Pesach - Ultimate rectification
Tzav - Oil of transcendence
Vayikra - Expansion in Limitation
Vayakhel-Pekudei - Hashem's unconditional love
Ki Sisa - Reflecting the light
Tetzaveh and Purim - Hidden connection
Terumah - In and out of reality
Mishpatim - Partners in Reality
Yisro - Finding the true God
Beshalach - Understanding relationships
Bo - Gathering sparks
Vaera - Power of change
Shemos - Pride, self destruction, and redemption
Vayechi - Efraim, Yosef, and fruit
Vayigash - The secret of tears
Miketz - Clothing, the bris, food and speech
Vayeshev - Dreams and Chanukah
Vayishlach - The secret of Shechem
Vayetzei - Turn it around
Toldos - Esav and Moshiach ben Yosef
Chayei Sarah - Lifting the physical
Vayera - Binding of Yitzchak
Lech Lecha - Divine humor
Noach - The tzadik's role
Bereshis - Subduing the Ego
Shmini Atzeres - Vzos Habracha
Succos, willows and water
Yom Kippur - Day of transcendence
Haazinu - Connecting Heaven and Earth
Rosh Hashana - Day of Unity



Nitzavim-Vayelech - Teshuva and Torah
Ki Savo - Removing the husks
Ki Seitzei - Tasting the tree
Shoftim - Spiritual battle preparations
Re'eh - Climbing spiritual mountains
Ekev - Understanding fear of Hashem
Va'eschanan - Loving Hashem
Tisha B'av
Devarim - Meriting Mercy
Matos-Masei - Unifying Hashem
Pinchas - Spiritual balance
Balak - Swallowing development
Chukas - Cows, calves, and oxen
Korach - Equality vs. self esteem
Shlach - Depth of forty
Beha'aloscha - Understanding the Erev Rav
Beha'aloscha - addendum (1 minute)
Naso - Sotah and Nazir
Shavuos - Light of Moshiach
Bimidbar - Love and counting
Behar-Bechukosai - Secret of the Shofar
Emor - Balancing Emotion and Intellect <-- MUST LISTEN!
Acharei-Kedoshim - Removing barriers
Tazria-Metzora - Cycles of spirituality
Shmini - Kosher signs
Pesach - Blossoming redemption
Tzav - Action and intent
Vayikra - Sacrifices and prayer

Vayakhel-Pekudei - The five dimensions of reality
Ki Sisa - Wisdom, understanding, and knowledge
Purim - Cursing Haman, Blessing Mordechai
Tetzaveh - Transcending individuality
Terumah - Experiencing revelation
Mishpatim - Between man and his fellow
Yisro - Seeing and hearing God
Beshalach - Accessing the supernatural
Bo - Water, blood and the Moon
Va'era - Fall of the river god
Shemos - Women and Redemption
Vayechi - Revealing Redemption
Vayigash - Yehuda's power
Chanukah - Spreading Light
Miketz - Facing adversity
Vayeshev - Yosef and Moshiach
Vayishlach - Fighting Esav
Vayetze - Doing what it takes
Toldos - Mr. Superficiality
Chayei Sarah - Encouraging goodness
Vayera - Removing restraint
Lech Lecha - World-class kindness
Noach - Rain
Beraishis - Knowing Good and Bad
Vzos Habracha - Real Knowledge
Succos - Majestic Joy
Haazinu - Taking Opportunities
Vayelech - More on Teshuva



Nitzavim - Teshuva
Ki Savo - Serving God with joy
Ki Seitze - Beyond the surface
Shoftim - Simple faith
Re'eh - Ultimate joy
Ekev - It's all from Hashem
Va'eschanan - Hold on tight!
Devarim - Standing at the threshold
Masei - Israel, live the dream
Matos - Beauty of humility
Pinchas - The strength within
Balak - For God's sake!
Chukas - Unity and disparity
Korach - Fringe of blue
Shlach - Removing the distorted lens
Beha'aloscha - Complain Right!
Shavuos - Receiving the Torah
Naso - Inspirational effects
Bimidbar - Every Jew Counts!
Bechukosy - Toiling in Torah effects change
Behar - It's all Hashem's
Emor - Judgments, Merits, and Gratitude
Kedoshim - Gotta love 'em!
Pesach - Building up to Shavuos
Acharei Mos and Pesach - One is Hashem
Metzora - House Problems
Tazria - Power of Speech
Shmini - Love and Fear

Tzav - Thanksgiving offering & Purim
Vayikra - Spiritual Sacrifice

Pekudei - Make the right choice!

Vayakhel - Shabbos, the Mishkan & the moon

Ki Sisa - Spiritual Power in Numbers

Tetzaveh - The purpose of Creation
Terumah - The Ark, the Menorah, and the Table
Mishpatim - Everything is from Hashem
Yisro (and Tu B'shvat)

Beshalach - The Manna's Lesson
Bo - Real Devotion to God
Va'era - The Secret of personal growth
Shemos - Jewish National destiny (very fundamental)
Vayechi - The spiritual victor
Vayigash - First quality
Miketz - Facing adversity
Vayeshev - Sensing the Divine
Vayishlach/Chanuka - Connecting to God
Vayetze - Building a nation
Toldos - Self deception
Chayai Sarah - Being real
Vayera - Taking spirituality to its end
Lech Lecha - Individuality
Noach - Stealing's the crime
Bereshis - Spiritual desire
Simchas Torah - Joy of completion
Succos - Essence of the holiday
Yom Kippur - Essence of the holiday


Haazinu-Shuva - More on Teshuva
Nitzavim-Vayelech - Teshuva/repentance
Ki Savo - Giving and taking
Ki Seitzei - The spiritual/physical duality
Shoftim - The king's secret
Re'eh - Committing to God
Ekev - Reward in this world

Va'eschanan - Love God
Devarim - Tisha B'av and the spies
Matos-Masei - The unintentional murderer
Pinchas - Seven and eight

Shemos - Meriting redemption
Vayishlach - Man's greatness
